• Starting New Things: The Color White


    Starting New Things…The Color White..

    Hi, my name is Mariah, the owner and therapist of this site. I wanted to take a moment and thank all supporters of my new adventure as a therapist here in Keller/Southlake/Grapevine and surrounding areas. This has been an unbelievable experience. I love every second..even the times when I am exhausted.

    I read a book to some of my younger clients called, I Feel Orange Today. The book is about expressing feelings using colors. Colors are a great way to express how we feel. For example red usually represents anger, blue sad etc…In this book the color White represents new things. This is my White..My Practice, The Organic Therapist…

    I am writing my thoughts on this fresh new white page (I’ve never written a blog before..it’s NEW to me..White!) I feel great when I wear white, it feels new and clean.

    I wonder if colors trigger us as individuals to behave in certain ways, good or ugly. I remember having a conversation with friends who suggested the color Red in Asian Restaurants makes people eat more, this could be true…..I eat a TON!!

    When you think of White, what do you think about? Do you notice anything different about how you interact with others? Do you notice how others behave differently?