Self Harm Support Group

Self Harm Support Group by Keller Child and Family Therapy

When I was a teenager I compared myself to those around me. I compared my looks, what I had or did not have and relationships. I compared myself to my peers and celebrities. To be honest the characters from 90210! Yes, I am dating myself! I knew it was just a tv show but still it was hard sometimes to not compare myself.

Teenagers today deal with the same stressors as we did when we were in high school however NOW they have the added pressure of social media. Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.. provide thousands of opportunities for teenagers to compare themselves to each other.

Some teenagers struggle more then others with feelings of sadness, worthlessness or depression and the way they cope with these feelings is to withdraw and or cutthemselves. Self-harm behaviors seems unfathomable for adults to fully grasp. I offer a group that tackles why and what to do about it. We discuss, stress, family dynamics, attachment, trust and mindfulness. Feel free to check out the flyer for details.