Meet Your Facilitator:
Teen Process Group Information (8 session commitment)
Hi there!
My name is Lauren Mayberry LPC-Associate #89101 in the state of Texas, supervised by Mariah J. Tailleur, LPC Supervisor #66631, and I will be the clinician leading this group.
Group Information:
During my time at Keller Child and Family Therapy, I have noticed a trend in parent’s requesting and inquiring about support groups for children and teens in the area. At the request of the community, we will be offering an 8 week commitment. This weekly group is for 14-15 year old’s.
A therapeutic process group is where people come together with similar symptoms to talk about shared experiences. We talk about coping skills, stress management skills and how to use them through their day to day life. Meeting weekly allows us to address current stressors quicker. Research suggests that therapeutic groups help clients feel a deeper sense of connection, understanding and can act as an agent of change.
Therapeutic process groups are led by Licensed Professional Therapists. This process group offered by Keller Child and Family Therapy is a closed group. A closed group is where members stay the same for the full 8 weeks. This is important for relationship building, trust building, working through the 5 stages of change:
- Pre-contemplation
- Contemplation
- Determination
- Action
- Maintenance.
This group is an 8 session commitment and it is important that group members attend all sessions. The cost is $ $55 per session which will include snacks and materials for group.
Please Note:
In order for a closed group to have its best chance at therapeutic success, a screening process will be in place. The screening process is as follows:
1: Filling out the question form below
2: An over-the-phone interview with the therapeutic facilitator (The interview process is about making sure the group is a good fit for your child. If our group is not the right fit, we will discuss it with you.)
3: Discussion on informed consent and limits to confidentiality.
I look forward to speaking with you further after filling out the form! 🙂
Thank you for your interest in our upcoming Teen process group!
What Makes Us Different?
- Grounded and honest therapy
- Find your inner peace
- Express yourself in a safe environment
- Thrive in a collaborative environment